Returns and Volatilities of Selected Stock Markets (July 2023)
This note provides an analysis of returns and volatilities of selected stock market indexes and offers several observations. Authors: Evgeny Maslennikov and Jinhan Wang. Contact: Data from 2013-01-01 to 2023-01-01. Sources: Yahoo Finance, Units: return in % and standard deviation converted to % values. Total returns are calculated using index values between selected dates and volatilities are measured by standard deviation of daily returns between those dates. Returns and standard deviations are provided for several periods: 10 years and 5 years for the evaluation of long- to mid-term performance of the markets; Since 2020-04-01 for the evaluation of performance since COVID-19 lockdowns; Since 2022-01-01 for the evaluation of performance since the S&P 500 all-time high value. The stock…